How Arab Geopolitics look like in the Middle East

Middle East politics in a nutshell is quite simple:

Sunni Saudi hates Shia Iran
Iran hates Israel
Israel likes Saudi
Sunni Saudi hates Sunni Qatar
US likes Saudi and Israel but hates Iran
Turkey hates Iran
Iran likes Russia
Turkey likes Russia
Syria, Iraq like Russia
Turkey hates Syria
Russia could not careless for the most except for Syria (Strategic russian interest)
 Syria, Lebanon, Palestine (imaginary state) , Jordan, Iran and Iraq all hate Israel but Israel does not care. (if you have watched the show "Everybody Hates Chris" you can reference it to that show..)

Britain and France having a cup of tea waiting for an opportunity.

China be like busy setting up a new world order  over africa and asia continent while US is busy with the middle east business.


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